

Rose - Short but powerful life


General details
Name Rose
Gender Female
Arrival date 2024/01/07
Valhalla date 2024/01/14
Playgroup Valhalla


Rose was one of the saddest cases the rescue had to deal with.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Medical procedures and death

https://discord.com/channels/162034058736435201/1108087578617446541/1195577896891326545 The new ferret in the ICU made it through surgery. The object is theorized to be a Macademia nut shell. Attempting to digest this would explain the liver toxicity. We still don't know for sure but this object is very plant/shell like in composition. I will be sending it off to a lab to confirm after this is all over.

We have very few options here so we're taking what we can. Lucky and Beans are about to be in-transit to do a blood transfusion. Ferrets don't have blood types so there shouldn't be any complications.

Best chance she has.

https://discord.com/channels/162034058736435201/1108087578617446541/1195976293225865256 Good News: The objected swallowed by the little one does not appear to be toxic in nature. Bad News: The old owners waiting 8 goddamn days to solve this caused her to go into Hepatic Acidosis.

This condition is caused by starvation and can easily lead to death. She went into full Jaundice and her liver was highlighter yellow. After the blood transfusion her Jaundice has mostly disappeared. Right now we have her on fluids and are trying to manage the rest of her vitals. It's basically whack a mole but the direction is positive so far.

Today was the "Do we keep going?" meeting and we opted to keep going. Because she is so young (6 months) and the direction is positive it makes sense to do this. We're going to have the meeting again in a few days and keep playing whack a mole until then.

https://discord.com/channels/162034058736435201/1108087578617446541/1196097535572459610 I'm sorry to say she did not make it. Shortly before I ended the stream she went into cardiac arrested. We made it there in time to say goodbye and nothing else.

We're going to be getting a necropsy to identify some of the causes that the treatment failed. This should help the vets involved to treat cases like this better in the future. It may not save her but it may save others.

We're also getting a pawprint in clay and a wooden urn for her and renamed her to Rose. That way her name is not tied to the conditions or people that caused this preventable death. When the new version of the ferret website is ready she will be in the memorial section. Thankfully I was able to get a photo of her when she was brighter early in the day.

This is not the outcome we wanted but we did everything we could. It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.

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