
From Pirate Software Wiki

I would like to be apart of your team.

I think I am a uniquely qualified individual and would like the chance to perhaps pitch myself to help further your missions, which I find noble. I have read, and see how busy you are, if you could fit time in to talk, I hope I can save you time. I don't want to come off creepy, or like a sleazy used car salesman, but hope you take this, as a genuine attempt to offer, and ask for assistance.

My Name is Phillip Howell, I am a 32 year old man, I live in Oregon. I have always been interested in electronics, programming, radios, computers, etc, my whole life. As a young man I went to college, and decided to cook to put myself through college. Things got too expensive and I dropped out after one year. I realized I wouldn't be able to financially support a degree. I excelled in cooking, and kept my interest in electronics as a hobby level, and pursued the food service industry.

After Covid, I left and began electrical work making dog boxes and breakout panels for temporary power events and conventions. I have done many things since Covid and have learned a lot about myself, my body, my health, and how I need to do what really makes me happy.

My most recent job ended in December of 2023, I was a Technical Professional in the aerospace industry, essentially IT help desk position, the job wasn't the best fit for me, and I have been looking for employment in different sectors.

So I am reaching out, I am by no means a perfect person, but I have drive for, learning and a passion to contribute to a noble cause. I really want to be a part of something that is just and good, and ethical.

Attached is my linkedin profile,


Ki6obu (talk) 23:34, 29 July 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]
@SupaGamer2017 Ki6obu (talk) 00:43, 30 July 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]