
From Pirate Software Wiki
Revision as of 18:47, 12 August 2024 by Poulshu (talk | contribs) (added lore about how Onion escaped her cage early on in her time at the rescue)


Escape artist Onion


Onion was found on a rural road near where Thor and Shaye live by their neighbours.Their neighbours contacted them and she has been safe in Snails House ever since.

Onion is known for her high intelligence, she has managed to escape from the enclosed area on many occasion. Onion will not be contained! Even as a young ferret, she managed to escape her actual cage/enclosure through slats under the bottom pan. [Onion Lore From RiverMakes.png *]

Clip highlights

Mission impossible escape Link

Escape attempt noticed by Shaye Link

Pushing away the gate Link

Frog pillow conveniently placed Link

Onion escape DENIED by friends Link