
From Pirate Software Wiki


Latte - {add catchy title}



Latte is one of the ferrets in the rescue with a confirmed ( Latte shown in the video) case of DIM [1]. DIM is a lifelong autoimmune condition that atrophies soft tissue in the body including muscles.

Both Latte and Mocha have been undergoing physical and hydrotherapy treatment which have improved their situation a lot. Next to this they have been undergoing chemo therapy to combat the the disease.

Clip highlights

Hazel foot soop, Latte yoinks the ball - Link

Latte and Lucky match! - Link

Looking for cellar soop - Link

Mocha and Latte eating soop - Link

Ninja Latte - Link

Scoop and cuddle - Link

Yoinking the cone - Link

Latte and Henry in the diggy box! - Link

Doing a playful roll - Link

Picture gallery
