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This page contains an alphabethical list of terms commonly used in relation to ferrets as well as those used by the chatters watching the stream.

Term Definition Link
Dooking The sound a ferret makes
Ear crimes The act of biting or sucking on another ferret's ears. This happens most often when they are asleep in the cage. Most well know ear criminal is Beans
Gen Pop The biggest playgroup of ferrets in the rescue consisting of 20+ ferrets. During nightcam the cage of gen pop will be in view.
Playtime Time when the ferrets are let out of their cage so they can play and interact with eachother in the playroom. They have the entire room for themselves. Link
Playcam, playtime camera The camera showing an overhead view of the playroom. During playtime the stream will be swapped to this camera
PMS Playgroup made up of the ferrets Pepper, Moose and Ferrets/Salt
VONS Playgroup made up of the ferrets Vinny, Onion, Nacho and Salsa
Wardancing Jumping around excitedly either to show willingness to play or to intimidate their opponent. Link

Toys and other items in the ferret room

Toy / item Image
Pizza toob