
From Pirate Software Wiki


This page contains an alphabetical list of terms commonly used in relation to ferrets as well as those used by the chatters watching the stream.


Term Definition Link
Adrenal Hormonal disease that often results in hair loss, like Cowboy
Dooking The sound a ferret makes
Ear crimes The act of biting or sucking on another ferret's ears. This happens most often when they are asleep in the cage. Most well known ear criminal is Beans
Escape The Act of trying to climb over the fence/around it Link
Gen Pop The biggest playgroup of ferrets in the rescue consisting of 20+ ferrets. During nightcam the cage of gen pop will be in view.
Jail When a ferret misbehaves either by climbing, ear crimes, or fighting too rough, they might be put separate for a while until they calm down. Sometimes they are put in jail for an extended amount of time due to structured unwanted behaviour.
Oldies / Seniors Playgroup consisting of the older ferrets. These are 5+ years old.
Playtime Time when the ferrets are let out of their cage so they can play and interact with eachother in the playroom. They have the entire room for themselves. Link
Playcam, playtime camera The camera showing an overhead view of the playroom. During playtime the stream will be swapped to this camera
PMS Playgroup made up of the ferrets: Pepper, Moose and Salt
Point hole A channel redeem to spend your points. It is also rumoured that it is a black hole which connects to the realm of the Eldritch God of Ferrets. Any points donated to them increases their power. Eventually they will be powerful enough to cross into our realm and rule it! They have already send over an avatar in the form of Henry.
PS3 Playgroup made up of the ferrets: Pepper 2, Salt 2, Skye and Snowball
Sock tax This is when one of the ferrets attacks one of the caretaker's feet/socks Link
Soup / Soop A liquid food for the ferrets. This is a raw meat soup.
Sploot(ing) Ferret fully laying down almost draping onto the floor Link
The king The king also known as Henry, he has been adopted as chat's king ferret and is known to disagree a lot. Henry
Tube / Toob / Toobing Ferrets love to run through tubes. It is guessed this is because they instinctively love to burrow. Them running through the tubes has been dubbed toobing by the community. Link
VONS Playgroup made up of the ferrets Vinny, Onion, Nacho and Salsa
Waardy / Waardenburg Syndrome A neural crest disorder. Symptoms include partial or complete hearing loss, broad skull / wider set eyes, lack of appropriate social behaviors. They might also form a tight bond with a single ferret or person.
Hazel, Mouse, Peanut, Pickle, Torch, and Vinny are Waardys.
Wardancing Jumping around excitedly either to show willingness to play or to intimidate / confuse their opponent. Link

Terms relating to Coat Colors and Markings

Term Definition Link
Bib Large white marking on the neck / throat, like Lucky and Mai Tai
Blaze White stripe marking on head; typically a sign of Waardenburg (see Waardy), like Pickle and Vincent
DEW Stands for "Dark Eyed White", in which the ferret is white but not an albino, like Mouse and Pepper
Milk toes White tipped feet, like Teep and Henry
Mitts White socked feet, like Misto and Mocha
War paint Mask markings around eyes do not connect, like Cheese

Toys and other items in the ferret room