Ferrets/Glossary: Difference between revisions

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| Gen Pop
| Gen Pop
| The biggest playgroup of ferrets in the rescue consisting of 20+ ferrets. During nightcam the cage of gen pop will be in view.
| The biggest playgroup of ferrets in the rescue consisting of 20+ ferrets. During nightcam the cage of gen pop will be in view.
| Jail
| When a ferret misbehaves either by climbing, ear crimes, or fighting too rough, they might be put seperate for a while until they calm down. Sometimes they are put in jail for an extended amount of time due to structured unwanted behaviour.
| Oldies
| Oldies
| Playgroup consisting of the older ferrets. These are 5+ years old.
| Playgroup consisting of the older ferrets. These are 5+ years old.
| Playtime  
| Playtime  
